Thursday 11 October 2012

Provisional Population Totals Paper 1 of 2011 : Andhra Pradesh

S.N.Table NoDescriptionDownload
1.At a GlanceProvisional Population Totals at a Glance Figure : 2011 - Andhra Pradesh ( Format : pdf , Size : 13,585 kB )
2.Comparision with other states. ( Format :xls , Size : 24 kB )
3.Table 1Distribution of Population, Decadal Growth Rate,Sex-Ratio and Population Density ( Format :xls , Size : 24 kB )
4.Table 4Population in the Age-Group 0-6, Number of Literates and Literacy Rate for State and Districts : 2011 ( Format :xls , Size : 24 kB )
5.Table 5Literacy Rates by Sex for State and District : 2001 and 2011 ( Format : pdf , Size : 23 kB )
6.Table 6Proportion of Child Population in the Age-Group 0-6 to Total Population : 2001 and 2011 ( Format :xls , Size : 68 kB )
7.पेपर - १जनसँख्या के अनंतिम आंकड़े  २०११ का पेपर - १  आंध्र  प्रदेश ( Format : pdf , Size : 20.9 MB )

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